Petroleum diesel produces high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas that contributes significantly to global warming. But burning biodiesel produces only a marginal increase in CO2 emissions, because the crops from which it is produced capture CO2 as they grow.

Used either in its pure form or blended with mineral diesel, biodiesel produces significantly lower levels of all these harmful emissions. Sulphur emissions are virtually eliminated. The level of emissions reduction depends on the percentage of biodiesel used. Pure biodiesel (B100) produces the greatest reductions in harmful emissions. However, lower levels of biodiesel blend, including 5% (B5) and 20% (B20), also significantly reduce emissions. Biodiesel is less toxic than mineral diesel and also biodegradable.
Biodiesel can be used in vehicles with only minimum modifications to engines. Most manufacturer warranties cover the use of biodiesel blends with mineral diesel of up to 20% (B20). Biodiesel's higher flash point and ignition quality, known as cetane value, enables diesel engines to burn more efficiently and cleanly.