Energizing Climate-Friendly Development: World Bank Group Progress Report on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Fiscal Year 2008 (2009)
This annual report summarizes the World Bank Group’s work in renewable energy and energy efficiency improvement during fiscal 2008. In addition to a portfolio review, it presents nine case studies. View PDF (81 pages, 5842kb)
Progress Report for 2007 (74 pages, 5733kb)
Progress Report for 2006 (64 pages, 3566kb)
Progress Report for 2005 (74 pages, 883kb)
Renewables: Global Status Report. 2009 Update (2009)
This fourth report in a series launched in 2005 provides an integrated picture of the global renewable energy situation, coming in the midst of a historic and global economic crisis. All the four reports are available here.
Directions in Hydropower (2009)
“Directions in Hydropower” summarizes key issues in scaling up hydropower for poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Beyond its traditional role in providing electricity access, which remains critical, hydropower has a powerful contribution to make to regional cooperation and development and to the allocation of increasingly scarce water resources. The document outlines the rationale and context for sector expansion as well as the risks, describes the World Bank Group’s role in scaling up and sets priorities for supporting sustainable hydropower in a two-track approach comprising lending and nonlending activities. View PDF (16 pages, 482kb)
RE Toolkit: A Resource for Renewable Energy Development (2008)
This toolkit provides a broad set of tools to improve the design and implementation of renewable energy (RE) projects, incorporates best practices and lessons learned from RE projects supported by the World Bank Group and others, and is operationally oriented to address practical implementation needs at each stage in the project cycle. View PDF (174 pages, 5454kb)
New Renewable Energy: A Review of the World Bank’s Assistance (2006)
This assessment by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluates the performance of the Bank's renewable energy portfolio and examines the extent to which strategic objectives were achieved. The assessment is restricted to geothermal; solar; wind; biomass; and small, mini and micro hydro energy sources. View PDF (114 pages, 839kb)
Liquid Biofuels
The State of Food and Agriculture 2008. Biofuels: Prospects, Risks and Opportunities (2008)
This report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reviews the potential of liquid biofuels to contribute to energy security, climate change mitigation, and agricultural development. View Site
Considering Trade Policies for Liquid Biofuels (2007)
Focusing on first-generation ethanol and biodiesel, this report outlines the link between agriculture and biofuels, reviews past and present government policies, and considers how these policies might affect the world biofuels market. View PDF (128 pages, 1074kb)
Potential for Biofuels for Transport in Developing Countries (2006)
This four-page brief draws on the successful Brazilian experience and illustrates socioeconomic considerations for establishing biofuel programs in developing countries. View PDF (4 pages, 181kb)